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Rejoice in the Midst of Crisis
The Bible reveals the weakness of man in times of comfort and abundance in the life of King David. It was in the battlefield that King David was applauded for his power and strength against his enemies. It was while King David was fighting for victory that he had constantly and consistently received crowns of great and exceeding favors from Above. But it was while he was resting with great comfort in his beautiful terrace far away from battles that he drastically and disastrously fell into the hands of the destroyer of his soul that even cost him the life of his own dear son.

There’s nothing wrong with comfort in life. In fact as a child of God, it’s His perfect will to lavish our life with great comfort. It is for this purpose that the Son of God came in order to give us abundant life so that the world will know that we belong to His family. But if your comfort is not well guarded, like what happened to King David, your comfort can become a curse instead. If it is not aptly handled, comfort can drag your life to bitter destruction. Why? Because comfort can become a deadly tool of the enemy to afflict you with spiritual blindness and forget the Word as the source of light on your dark path (Ps. 119:105). I am not telling you not to desire comforts in life, but on the other hand, allow crisis to shape you knowing that God has a purpose behind our momentary troubles.

Nobody likes to be in a state of crisis. Man’s tendency with his adamic nature is to shun from crisis right away. When it comes, he immediately resorts to looking for escape and solutions. It is important to stay focused on God’s plan, not your circumstances. Understanding that every crisis has a purpose, will develop our endurance that will produce for us a greater glory that will last for eternity.

When crisis comes, instead of allowing Satan to rob your joy of knowing God, choose to come near God and rejoice because crisis can excrete adrenaline to heighten your joy as you start to remember God’s promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). With your right focus, you will find that crisis in life is God’s tangible rod (Hosea 5:15) to let you turn to Him closer and cherish the touch of His hands molding your life in accordance to His wonderful plan (Jeremiah 29:11; Roman 8:28).

Never depart from the road of crisis on your own strength and timing but face it with courage. It is God’s refinery machine. He is putting you there for a purpose. When it is done, God will come to take you out from that fiery furnish with great smile because you are His masterpiece to display His power and let the world know that your God is the only One and true living God.

When there is comfort, yes, rejoice. But when there is crisis, rejoice all the more because God meant it for good.